In several lints can be fixed but overlap, the first lint is fixed but those that are nested in it are ignored. The text output of tree_rewrite() now has an attribute has_skipped_fixes indicating if some lints were not fixed because they were nested (#34).
astgrepr 0.0.9
Updated ast-grep crate to 0.32.2.
astgrepr 0.0.8
Add support for using multi-metavars in replacement.
astgrepr 0.0.7
Fix edge case when a matched node is on the last line and there isn’t an empty line at the end.
Internals: add CI, bump ast-grep to 0.26.3.
astgrepr 0.0.6
Replacing text that contains escaping characters (e.g. in regular expressions) doesn’t remove those characters anymore.
Enable multiple replacements on the same line of code.
Replacing text now takes into account leading empty lines.
Ignore specific rules, e.g. # ast-grep-ignore: any_duplicated to ignore the rules stored in any_duplicated.yml only. Accepts several rules separated with a comma.
astgrepr 0.0.5
Support metavars in the message field in YAML files.
astgrepr 0.0.4
Bump ast-grep to 0.25.0.
Refactor Rust code.
Add support for constraints field when using rules YAML files (#19, #21).
Accept digits in metavar.
astgrepr 0.0.3
Add support to tags to ignore lines and chunks of code with # ast-grep-ignore, # ast-grep-ignore-start and # ast-grep-ignore-end.
Lots of refactor.
Support digits in meta-variables.
More tests.
astgrepr 0.0.2
More robust handling of yaml files.
Update extendr to 0.7.0.
Many changes that hard to list: basically everything works better.